Description DA-303S 3m (10ft) width @ H3m (10ft) The DA-303S series Auto Door Sensor uses near infra-red beams (High-Density: 32 Zones/4 Rows) to detect the movement of a human or object to output a signal to an auto-door engine.Features Auto door sensor Near infrared beam type High-density detection pattern Easily disable rows to meet any detection requirement Adjustable pattern width (for single/double doors) 4-step stationary detection (inc. infinite) 4 selectable channels to prevent crosstalk 4 selectable environment sensitivity settings Slim and compact 28mm (1.10”) profile Suitable for AC/DC operation |
Movement Detector
3m (10ft) width @ H3m (10ft)
The DA-303S series Auto Door Sensor uses near infra-red beams (High-Density: 32 Zones/4 Rows) to detect the movement of a human or object to output a signal to an auto-door engine.
Category Security
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